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About Kieran McLean

KPS McLean's practice intricately explores the sublime complexity of human relationships with nature, most notably through his evocative landscapes. Each piece serves as a document, encapsulating not just scenes but the narratives shaped by both human interaction and environmental change. Through haunting and dream-like imagery, McLean delves into themes of destruction and survival within various systems—be they political, climatic, social or otherwise. His landscapes often act as reflections of our world, illuminating the fragile balance between exploitation and preservation, while inviting viewers to contemplate the legacies left behind. In this way, McLean's work transcends mere representation, becoming a poignant commentary on the consequences of 

our actions and the enduring resilience of nature.


Kieran McLean was born in Oxford, England, in 1981. He studied Fine Art at the University of West England, in Bristol from 2002-2005, including 3 months at the University of Barcelona. He has worked in a variety of occupations, including art teaching, in addition to his artistic practice. He currently lives and works in Oxford.


Kieran Paul Shankly McLean

Selected Group Exhibitions

7 June-27 July 2024        'Open' Exhibition, Old Fire Station, Oxford

11-19 May 2024               'Botley Drawing' Louie Memorial Pavillion, Botley, Oxford. (Oxfordshire Artweeks)

29-30 August 2023           'Fruits of a Summer Harvest' OVADA Gallery, Oxford

1-31 August 2023             OVADA Summer Residency (Self-Directed Practice)

20-29 May 2023               'Botley Drawing' Louie Memorial Pavillion, Botley, Oxford. (Oxfordshire Artweeks)

11-28 May 2023               'MOOD' OVADA Gallery, Oxford.

7 Aug-7 Sept 2019           OVADA Summer Residency (DNA Research Collaborative Project)

16 April-16 May 2019       Ungrounded, Common Ground Workspace, Oxford (co-curator)

6-28 April 2019                 Chromantics, Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot

28 Sept-28 Oct 2018        The Great Divide, OVADA, Oxford

13 Sept-1 Oct 2017          Oxford Art Society Open, St. John the Evangelist Church, Oxford

16-23 August 2015           Convergence 15, Stew Gallery, Norwich

1-19 October 2014           Oxford Art Society Open, St. John the Evangelist Church, Oxford                                     

15 Feb-2 Mar 2014           Art Teachers’ Exhibition, O3 Gallery, Oxford

4-26 May 2013                 Oxford Art Weeks Group Show, Jam Factory, Oxford

18-30 October 2011         Oxford Art Society Open, Said Business School Oxford University, Oxford

1-9 October 2011             The Big Draw (Winner), O3 Gallery, Oxford


Solo Exhibitions

May 2022                           Kieran McLean 'New Work'-'Oxfordshire Artweeks' Solo Exhibition, Rick's Cafe, Cowley, Oxford

July 2010                           ‘The Ministry of Misinformation’ Said Business School Oxford University, Oxford

Nov 2009-Jan 2010           ‘Gargoyle Conspiracy’, Greens Café, Oxford


Sept 2008-June 2009         Oxford Brookes University, Westminster Institute of Education PGCE Post-Compulsory Education

Sept 2002-May 2005          University of West England, Bristol, BA (HONS) Fine Art

(March-June 2004)             University of Barcelona, Erasmus Exchange

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